Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Extreme Couponing on TLC

Extreme Couponing
TLC’s Extreme Couponing Show: Premieres April 6th!

Do you remember that show from Dec 29, 2010 about U.S. shoppers that managed to get a whole lot of groceries for only a few dollars, well... it's back!!!

The series premieres Wednesday, April 6 with two episodes at 9 & 9:30 PM ET/PT on TLC, and will move to the 9:30 PM time slot the following week.

When the show first aired earlier this year, it received alot of criticism from different people.  I read in different places that it was not realistic, since in many stores in the U.S. there is a limit on how many coupons for the same item you can use and plus a few other "couponing rules" that were broken.  It will be interesting to watch how each shopper uses their coupons to reduce their grocery shopping costs and if they address the different rules that each state, as well as each store.

Although, none of their rules apply to us here in Canada, especially in Ontario, I will be watching just because it motivates me to be even more diligent about my couponing and grocery shopping savings. And... it's fun to see other people save lots and lots of money and donate to local charities and food banks (which is something we should all do).

Will you be watching it?

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